It had all begun last spring when Mrs. Rachel Farhat, our high school biology teacher, felt a stirring in her heart. In the quiet of her classroom, as she graded papers and prepared lesson plans, she sensed God speaking to her about Memphis.
“You need to talk to her about Me,” whispered the Holy Spirit.
Mrs. Farhat hesitated at first. She had always prayed for her students, but this was different. This was a calling to step out in faith, to plant a seed of truth that only God could water and grow.
When the new school year approached, the faculty gathered for a time of prayer. They were asked to write down the name of a student they longed to see come to know Jesus. Without hesitation, Mrs.Farhat wrote: *Memphis Houston.* She folded the paper, placed it in the prayer bucket, and whispered, *Lord, draw her close.*
And then she waited.
Over the months that followed, Mrs. Farhat found moments to speak with Memphis about faith. She answered her questions, shared stories from the Bible, and, most importantly, showed her through her actions what it meant to live for Christ. Then one day, Memphis approached her. “Mrs. Farhat,” she said, her voice filled with quiet determination, “I want to give my life to Jesus. I want to be baptized.”
Today, surrounded by family and friends, Memphis was baptized by Mrs. Farhat. This incredible day is just the beginning of her journey. The seed that had been planted in prayer had blossomed into new life.
We celebrate with you, Memphis! God is good!
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